By Callum @ AvocadoNinja


  • The benefits of following the Momentum routine are huge, especially when you look at the knock-on effects of each individual change on your life, as a whole.
  • By following a few simple steps each day, you can completely transform your life.
  • Having boundless physical energy will make you feel fantastic, and having your mind tuned in will enable you to make the most of every opportunity.
  • A tiny number of people in the world follow this protocol, but these people are all successful. They live extraordinary lives. They are no different from you. They don't possess superhuman, simply follow a different process every day.
  • I have explained clearly what these people are doing, and it is not rocket science. You just have to do it. Be one of the few, and you’ll experience incredible changes in your life.
  • By signing up for the Momentum Program, you'll receive a FREE book and access to your own membership area, with step-by-step instructions on how to implement Momentum.

I have managed to go from a place where I was, basically, broken – mentally and physically; to one where I look and feel better at 46 than I did when I was 20. Not only did I completely heal my body from excess weight, toxicity, skin conditions, poor sleep, bad hair, fatigue, muscle pains, a back bad enough to hospitalize me numerous times, constant illness. But I also healed my mind from depression to continual energetic optimism.


I’ve now taken that a stage further by creating a hyper-optimized state for my mind and body. I have minimized the risk of the big 4 killers by managing all the biomarkers of ageing. I keep bad cholesterol low, my blood sugar stable, eradicating all chronic inflammation, my blood flowing like a teenager, my cells clean, my energy producing cells healthy and multiplying, my brain growing and nourished, my gut in perfect health, my skin glowing, my weight optimal, my body fit and my energy consistently high from 5am to 10pm. And I’m getting stronger with age.


This is all without having to think about it, without it taking much additional time, without making sacrifices and while enjoying every moment. My mission is to equip you with this perfect daily practice. We will leverage cutting-edge, proven science to deliver these powerful benefits. The Momentum Program will show you how, starting with our mornings.

The Benefits of momentum…

The benefits of following the Momentum routine are huge, especially when you look at the knock-on effects of each individual change on your life, as a whole.


You will positively impact your body and brain at the cellular level. Blood flow will be increased around your entire body, delivering more fuel, nutrients, oxygen, and hormones.


This will dramatically increase your energy, along with healing and multiplying your energy giving cells (mitochondria), to ramp energy up even more. You will tap into an ancient and powerful system that clears out and optimizes your body. You will begin to release more stem-cells, which regenerates tissue and heals your body.


Blood sugar will be stabilized, ensuring your body processes energy optimally while increasing longevity. Boosting mental function and emotional balance will be possible when your brain gets the right fuel and is oxygenated deeply.


You will be able to switch on and work faster, become more focused, and your cortisol levels will drop, leaving you feeling calm and balanced.


These changes will improve your sleep, and the decreased amount of "hits" during the day will require less rest, allowing you to spend more time awake. And your body will get stronger, making you more resilient to illness and reducing the possibility of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease (the big four killers!).


Your body will be transformed as well, losing unhealthy fat and gaining lean muscle. You will also have your ageing process slowed dramatically.

A Summary of the Physical Benefits

  • Boost mitochondria: Boost the capacity of your mitochondria to produce energy, allowing your whole body and mind to work at their peak.

  • Reactivate autophagy: Activate a powerful system the body uses to get rid of old, weaker cells that restrict your health.

  • Blood sugar (glycaemic variability): Ensure your body processes energy optimally and simultaneously increase longevity and reduce the risk of disease.

  • Boost stem cell production: Elevate your body’s capacity to heal and increase longevity.

  • Optimize brain function and emotional regulation: Supply blood flow and oxygen to key areas of the brain that have become inert.

  • Sharpen your mind: By providing your mind with all the nutrients it needs and allowing it to rest efficiently, your mind will be more productive, focused, and balanced.

  • Dramatically lower stress: Lowering cortisol levels will leave you feeling calm, balanced, and focused.

  • Boost blood flow: You get more energy when you increase oxygen, hormones, and nutrients flow around your body.

  • Optimize sleep: Momentum reduces the number of hits the body takes during the day, which in turn helps you get a better night's rest.

  • Transform your body: Use “minimum effective dose” to transform your body in the healthiest way possible in the shortest amount of time.

  • Slow down ageing: Eating the right foods at the right times, exercising the right way, and choosing the right tools will dramatically slow down and even reverse ageing.

  • Resist disease: By practising these habits daily you will be less likely to suffer from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

It’s an impressive list, but I can assure you that these are evidence-based, proven benefits, backed by the latest scientific research. And changes in how your brain and body function will have a powerful effect on your entire life.

How Your Life Will Change

Enhanced energy, confidence, magnetism, and influence

First, you will start to feel your energy expand, and your mind will become more focused. Think about being able to walk into a room or converse with your colleagues with this much energy and confidence. An energetic person is seen as more appealing and magnetic. The people around you will react to you very differently because of this. You will be more inspirational and influential at work and in your personal life.

Energized and passionate relationships

Your body will also start to change at this point, causing you to lose fat and tone up. In a relationship, energy translates to passion, and if you combine that with more confidence, a better body, and increased libido, you'll find your partner thanking you!

Be More Productive

Energy is personal power; it is the power to act. It's easier to get things done when you're bursting with energy-you'll feel more in control. Your days will be much more productive and your progress will be much faster. And, by getting more done, you'll be able to address all those small details that have been hanging over your head, leading to a more organized life, less stress and fewer worries. Not to mention the satisfaction that comes from momentum and growth in every aspect of your life.

Have More Mental Resilience and Turn Problems into Challenges

Whenever a stressful situation does arise, you will possess the resilience and energy to deal with it. Instead of being a burden, problems will become opportunities for growth.

And More Physical Resilience Too

With time, you will have fewer illnesses, and your ageing rate will slow dramatically. Not only will you look better for longer, but you will add years to your new, exciting life.

Have More Time

Additionally, you will find yourself sleeping less. This will give you more time to be productive, energetic, and focused. You will have more years in your life, and more life in your years! I now wake up naturally at 4 a.m., full of energy until bedtime (normally around 9–10 p.m.). Everyone's body clock (or chronotype) is different, but you can create at least 2–3 hours of extra high energy, super focused time each day. It can even be quiet "me" time. It's up to you.

Get The Secret of Life

Having boundless physical energy will make you feel fantastic, and having your mind tuned in will enable you to make the most of every opportunity. In a way, you could say that this is the whole point of life-to be present and enjoy the moment, at your best.

An Uncommon Approach For An Extraordinary Life

If it seems too good to be true, just step back and consider the perspective we are forming this belief from. When looking at the results of the vast, the vast majority of people in the world, it IS hard to believe.


The results that I describe above are extremely uncommon. Most people do nothing like this on a daily basis and suffer from illness, stress, depression, low energy…


How many people follow a protocol like this? It's a tiny number, but these people are all successful. They live extraordinary lives. They are no different from you. They don't possess superhuman, simply follow a different process every day.


I have explained clearly what these people are doing, and it is not rocket science. You just have to do it. Just think: how many other people are doing this in this town, city, country? Be one of the few, and you’ll experience incredible changes in your life.


The ultimate proof is within yourself. You just need to start, you will feel that shift, gain momentum and transform your life.



If you are interested in experiencing more energy in your own life, and unleashing your potential in every area, why not join Morning Momentum and get your FREE 160-Page book mailed to you.


A step-by-step guide to forming simple daily habits that will transform your physical and mental energy. You'll not only get the book, but how-to videos, a membership area, support and access to a private Facebook Group.

Statements made on this website are our personal opinion and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Information provided by this website or this company is not a substitute for direct, individual medical treatment or advice. It is the responsibility of you and your healthcare providers to make all decisions regarding your health. You can find our full disclaimer and terms of service here.