the secret of EZ Water

More EZ water in your body means the more energy you have and the better everything in your body runs—including brain power.

By Callum @ AvocadoNinja


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  • EZ water is structured water that is viscous like honey—it is between solid and liquid. EZ water is the water your cells use, and it’s quite different from the water you drink.
  • EZ water delivers energy to your mitochondria.

  • The better your mitochondria function, the more energy you have and the better everything in your body runs—including brain power.

        • It also fights ageing and stress and helps your body recover faster.

        • There are some really effective ways of creating EZ water in your body. We recommend walking in sunshine when you wake, drinking Ninja ReMineralise and then the Ninja Power Drink.

In this article, I discuss what EZ water is and how it is a key part of optimal health. It will give you more energy, increase your resilience and lower stress. I'll also show you how to create it and ways to integrate this into your daily habits.

what is ez water?

We were taught in school that water only has three forms: solid, liquid and gas. But Dr. Gerald Pollack, bioengineering professor at the University of Washington, discovered a fourth phase of water that is none of these! This is called exclusion-zone water or EZ water.

This is structured water that is viscous like honey—it is between solid and liquid. EZ water is the water your cells use, and it’s quite different from the water you drink.  


  • EZ water delivers energy to your mitochondria, so your cells have more power1.
  • This form of water enables your mitochondria to function optimally1.
  • It also fights ageing and stress and helps your body recover faster.2


The better your mitochondria function, the more energy you have and the better everything in your body runs—including brain power.

You can get EZ water from raw veggie juices, fresh spring water, glacial meltwater, and by exposing normal water to infrared light or vibration. It also forms in the body when your skin is exposed to unfiltered sunlight for a few minutes each day (without use of sunscreen).

You can see why we currently have a lack of this in our body, with our limited exposure to sunlight (and use of sunscreen). Add in the fact that we don’t have access to true spring or glacial water. In fact, there are significant benefits to be had from your morning smoothie, simply because the vibration of the blender creates EZ water.

creating ez water - Step BY STEP

Here are some simple steps to harness the benefits of EZ water.


Get in the Sunlight


Make an effort to get out into the sunlight every day. The most effective way of doing this is as soon as possible after you get up and the sun rises. This will have the added effect of regulating your circadian rhythm and giving you better quality sleep. Combining this with light exercise, such as walking, also helps clear the melatonin from your brain (sleep hormone) and keeps your energy higher all day. (Works even better if you do this before ingesting any caffeine.)


Ideal Morning Hydration


I also suggest that you blend your water. Yes, I know that may sound crazy, but if you blend it, you’ll get the benefits of EZ water.


In fact, an incredible start to the day is to remineralise and rehydrate by doing the following:



Other Strategies


You can also increase EZ water in your body by consuming vital nutrients such as coconut oil, healthy dietary fats and turmeric.


Research by Dr. Pollack found that when you blend butterfat into water, even more EZ water forms.


So, the next step in your morning routine should be to drink the Ninja Power Drink.


This includes butterfat and MCT Oil, which is a source of clean-burning fuel for the brain, muscles and other tissues.

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1. Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Disturbed Coherence: Gate to Cancer - PMC (

2. Effect of Antioxidant Water on the Bioactivities of Cells - PMC (

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