• Supports brain function and cognitive performance
    • Supports mood
    • Supports cholinergic neurotransmission
    • Supports energy metabolism
    • Supports healthy aging
    • Supports neuroprotection


Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is one type of acetylated L-carnitine.


As a result, ALCAR tends to be preferred when it comes to supporting the brain and nervous system since it more readily crosses the blood-brain barrier.


According to some studies, ALCAR is more bioavailable than L-carnitine.


Because carnitine was originally found in meat extracts, the name is derived from Latin carnus (flesh).


Carnitine is consumed by adults who eat animal products in amounts between 60 and 180 milligrams. Vegetarianset about 10–12 milligrams less [1], and vegans get a bit more because they consume dairy products.


It performs the same functions as ALCAR. Carnitine plays a vital role in mitochondrial fat metabolism—it is responsible for transporting long-chain fatty acids across the mitochondrial membrane to be broken down by multienzyme β-oxidation.


Through this process, fats and oils from our diet are used for energy production, and mitochondrial capacity to burn fat is enhanced. ALCAR supports acetylcholine synthesis, unlike L-carnitine, which does not contain an acetyl group, as the acetyl group can be transferred to coenzyme A to produce acetyl-CoA, which is then converted into the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.


The Krebs cycle in the mitochondria uses acetyl-CoA as a primary substrate, which is essential for ATP production.


Multiple studies have indicated that ALCAR enhances cholinergic neurotransmission and supports brain energy metabolism; it has also been shown to exert significant neuroprotective effects [2–5].


Brain and cognitive function


  • Supports learning and memory [6,7]
  • Supports attention [6]
  • Supports cognitive function [6–10]
  • Supports mental energy and may help counter mental fatigue [11,12]
  • Source of acetyl groups for acetylcholine synthesis [3,13,14]
  • Supports cholinergic neurotransmission [3,4,13,14]
  • Supports brain energy metabolism [4,15–22]
  • Supports dopamine release [23,24]
  • Supports noradrenaline levels [15]
  • Supports serotonin levels [15]
  • Supports synaptic plasticity [25,26]
  • Supports neuronal membrane lipid/phospholipid metabolism [4,16,27]
  • Supports hip
  • pocampal neurogenesis [28]
  • Supports neuroprotective functions [4,7,21,22,29–35]
  • Supports neural cytokine signaling [7,31,32]




  • Supports positive affect [36–43]


Physical strength and fatigue


  • Supports energy and may help counter fatigue [11,44]
  • Supports muscle fuel metabolism [45]


Mitochondrial function


  • Supports mitochondrial function and structure [10,32,33,46]
  • Supports mitochondrial biogenesis [47]


Healthy aging and longevity


  • Supports cerebral metabolism during aging [19]
  • Supports mitochondrial function during aging [10,33,48]


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